Friday, July 31, 2009

Tidwell Campaign Manager Steps Down

Sean Doherty, former campaign manager for George Lilly who sought Diana DeGette's Congressional seat unsuccessfully last year has stepped down from leading Team Tidwell in his efforts for US Senate.

Tidwell can be seen as a wild card in this race. A make it or break it. Either he's a refreshing new face with business experience that can win the race against Bennet, or he's a nobody that the GOP won't nominate, at least this time around.

This will surely cause for a shake-up of things and set a new course for Tidwell's Senate bid. Time is running out to make his case on why he would be a better Senator and has a better chance at winning then the high profile Republicans.

The Senate race already includes Ryan Frazier, Ken Buck, Luke Korkowski most likely Tom Wiens, possibly Bob Beauprez and other minor candidates.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Korkowski In For Sure


Luke Korkowski filed the appropriate Federal Election Commission paperwork today to make him an official Republican candidate for the United States Senate in 2010. Planning for a public campaign kickoff event is in the works.

“Since publicly announcing my exploration of candidacy on July 1, the response I have received from folks all over the state has been very positive and encouraging,” Luke said. “People seem ready to have a Senator who will propose solutions rather than talk in generalities about ‘issues’.” He went on to say, “The folks I’ve talked with don’t want someone cut from the same cloth as the politicians who have created our current economic mess.”

When asked what sets him apart, Luke replied, “What I know how to do and what I love to do is write laws, study public policy in depth, and make smart decisions about complex problems. It’s time that our leaders stopped pretending that difficult challenges can be resolved with a thirty second sound bite and a smile.”

Luke is planning to tour the state to discuss how we can solve our most pressing challenges and how we can make sure that recovery begins in Colorado. More information about the campaign can be found at the official Korkowski for Colorado website:
Luke lives in Mt Crested Butte with his wife and two small children, making him the only candidate from the Western Slope in the U.S. Senate race.

# # #

Coffman Still Focused On Cap And Trade

Coffman Participates in Bicameral Hearing on Cap and TradePanel evaluates legislation’s impact on jobs in the West

(WASHINGTON, D.C) – Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) today participated in a historic bicameral public hearing on cap and trade legislation sponsored by the House and Senate Western Caucuses. Western Caucus members from both chambers of Congress heard testimony from policy experts and key stakeholders on the specific economic impact cap and trade policies are likely to have on the West.

“Today’s hearing is especially important because the majority party in Congress has stifled open debate on the cap and trade issue. I have been extremely disappointed by this lack of transparency and the testimony provided today has painted a more complete picture of how cap and trade will affect our nation,” Coffman stated in his opening remarks.

When the House Democrats’ version of cap and trade legislation was brought to the floor for a vote on June 26th, Coffman voted against the bill. The Senate has yet to finalize or vote on their version of the legislation.

“While Congress and the media are largely focused on health care reform, the Democrats’ cap and trade legislation still looms as potentially the largest tax increase in our nation’s history. The West has absorbed the worst of the recession as evidenced by the regional jobless rate numbers from June,” Coffman commented. “What we heard today confirms that the Democrats’ current proposal would in essence be an economic double whammy on families and small businesses in the West. Cap and trade is the wrong policy at the wrong time.”

A complete list of witnesses is below.

# # #

The Honorable Dick Armey, Ph. D., Former U.S. Representative and Chairman, FreedomWorks;·
Mr. Harry C. Alford, President and CEO, National Black Chamber of Commerce;·
Mr. William L. Kovas, SVP, Environment, Technology and Regulatory Affairs, U.S. Chamber of Commerce; ·
Mr. Kimball Rasmussem, CEO, Deseret Power; ·
Mr. Phil Kerpen, Director of Policy, Americans for Prosperity; and ·
Mr. Ben Lieberman, Senior Policy Analyst, Energy and Environment, Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

McInnis Beats Penry On Latest Poll

The ballot test for the Republican nominee for Governor, among all Republican
primary voters, shows Scott McInnis leading
34%, followed by Josh Penry with
, Dan Maes with 6%, and 49% being
. The results of this survey clearly demonstrate that Scott
McInnis enjoys broad support and name recognition across the state. Josh Penry
and Dan Maes have a lot of work to do in both support and name recognition at
this early stage of the campaign.

Full Polling Report Here

Tom Wiens Enters Senate Race

From RMR...

Former state Senator Tom Wiens appears to be jumping into an increasingly
crowded field for United States Senate. On Monday, Wiens took the first step
towards running by filing Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State
for the "Tom Wiens For U.S. Senate Exploritory (sic) Committee, Inc."

This move typically precedes the formal FEC filing of a campaign
committee which will likely take place in the coming days. Wiens had previously
been aggressively floating his name for the gubernatorial race since at least

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Wadhams Thinks Huckabee Is Serious Candidate

From "The Fix"

Huckabee has cared for and fed that base since the election -- primarily
through his television and radio shows. Colorado Republican Party Chairman Dick Wadhams compared Huckabee's media
presence to the radio addresses delivered by Ronald Reagan during the

"The impact of those commentaries seemed to escape notice by the media
of that era and perhaps we're witnessing the same thing happening now with
Huckabee," said Wadhams. "He will have been on the air for more than two years
when we enter 2011 so its hard for me to see how he could not be a serious
candidate in 2012."

Full Story Here

Stop Obama Care Today

E-mail or contact your Representative today and urge them to NOT support HR 3200 (Obama Care) that will give government control over your health choices.

This weekend I e-mailed Congressman Perlmutter...

Congressman Perlmutter,

I know that you are a strong supporter of
trying to get every American a health care plan. However, this bill coming
through Congress is going destroy the economy. Much of the bill will be wasted,
just like the trillion dollar stimulus. Small businesses that are just starting
cannot afford to pay for health care at this time especially in this economy.
This system too, will be totally bureaucracy that will not be in favor of
taxpayers and the American citizens whom are your employers. President Obama
also suggested that the middle class will now help pay for this system. The
middle class runs the economy, if they can’t spend, the economy will crash
again. That means the entire trillion dollar stimulus will be wasted. All this
bill will do is drive up inflation, make it hard for small business to work, and
hurt the economy. We must take other measures to get all Americans quality
health care.

We can start by working on welfare. We can help those
that are able to working, to get back in the game again. We can help them find a
job, and support them in their new life instead of wasting money paying for them
to sit around all day. We can allow small business to pool together to pay for
their employee’s health care together. We can work on stopping these ridiculous
medical lawsuits that cost doctors and hospitals millions. We can open up walk
in clinics that will be much less expensive than an emergency room, so those
that are having a hard time right now will still be able to get affordable
medical treatment.

There is so much we can do to improving health
care, getting people out of poverty and making health care more affordable, all
without this Health Care Bill that will be going through Congress. I urge you to
vote NO on HR 3200 and instead open up to all the other multiple
options that will help improve health care in America dramatically. Your goal to
have all Americans on health care can still be done, but not through this
universal health care mess.

It is still possible to stop this. Remember that these government officials are YOUR employees.

Also see Ben DeGrow's

Monday, July 27, 2009

Bunning Won't Run For Re-election

Jim Bunning of Kentucky won't seek re-election in the Senate. What does this mean?...a Democratic pick-up looks less likely now that this weak incumbent will be out the door without a primary fight first.


Ending months of speculation that he couldn't afford to run for a third term in 2010, U.S. Sen. Jim Bunning announced Monday that he will not seek re-election.

In a statement from his Senate office, Bunning blamed unnamed Republican leaders for making it difficult for him to mount a campaign.

“Over the past year, some of the leaders of the Republican Party in the Senate have done everything in their power to dry up my fundraising,” Bunning said. “The simple fact is that I have not raised the funds necessary to run an effective campaign for the U.S. Senate. For this reason, I will not be a candidate for re-election in 2010.”

Bunning has accused Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of trying to sabotage his campaign since, saying McConnell told him in December that he was too old to seek another term.

JJ Ament Video: Independent, Experienced

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Huckabee Posting 2012 Polls On Site


July 25, 2009 - 09:54 AM
Republican Presidential Poll
by Team Huck

The Washington Post had an interesting poll today. We thought you would enjoy this result.
27. (ASKED OF REPUBLICANS AND GOP-LEANING INDEPENDENTS) If the 2012 Republican presidential primary or caucus in your state were being held today, and the candidates were (READ LIST) for whom would you vote?
Mike Huckabee 26
Mitt Romney 21
Sarah Palin 19

Gardner Gets Major Support

Looking over contributions made to Cory Gardner's Congressional campaign, a few well known names came up. Mark Hillman, Peter Coors and Wil Armstrong all donated to the campaign.

With Lucero raising virtually nothing, and Diggs' staff messing up the campaign, Gardner is starting to get a perfect shot for the nomination.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Does Bennet Have Mind Of His Own? Or Is He Just A Puppet?

From RMR...

Dana Milbank reports on The Washington Post blog that Michael Bennet was ready to vote against the recent bill that would have allowed individuals to carry guns across state lines. Bennet only voted in favor of it after getting permission from Chuck Schumer and being reassured that his vote would not result in passage of the bill:

The slim margin was no accident: Other Democrats, such as Pennsylvania's Bob
and Colorado's Mark Udall and Michael Bennet, were said to have been
willing to vote "no" if necessary. Twenty minutes after the voting began, Bennet
and Udall left the cloakroom together and walked into the chamber. Bennet went
to the well to consult with Schumer, who indicated that it was safe for Bennet
-- a product of D.C.'s St. Albans School -- to vote with the NRA. Bennet looked
to Udall, who gave an approving nod, and cast his "aye" vote.

Health Care Vote Delayed

Looks like dems don't have the votes...story follows

Reid: No health care vote in Senate until fall

— Senate Democratic leaders on Thursday abandoned plans for a vote on health care before Congress' August recess, dealing a blow to President Barack Obama's ambitious timetable to revamp the nation's $2.4 trillion system of medical care.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., delivered the official word on what had been expected for weeks, saying, "It's better to have a product based on quality and thoughtfulness rather than try to jam something through."

His words were a near-echo of Republicans who have criticized the rush to act on complex legislation that affects every American.

Reid told reporters the Senate Finance Committee will act on its portion of the bill before lawmakers' monthlong break. Reid then will merge that bill with separate legislation passed by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee earlier this month.

The process will be difficult since Finance, led by Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., is seeking a bipartisan deal while the health committee bill was passed by Democrats on a party-line vote.
Reid said the decision to delay a vote was made Wednesday night in the hopes of getting a final bill that can win at least 60 votes in the Senate.

Reid said he had listened to the requests from senior Republicans working with Baucus to allow more time for a compromise to emerge.

Coffman Comments on Dem's Budget

July 22, 2009

Coffman Comments on Democrats’ Budget Gimmick Statement by Congressman Mike Coffman (R-Aurora): “This is nothing more than another smoke and mirrors stunt by the Democrat leadership. Under the guise of increased accountability, this legislation will only justify massive tax increases and shroud the Democrats’ reckless spending. This bill won’t cut our nation’s debt, it won’t rein in runaway entitlement spending, and most tellingly, it will do nothing to get our economy moving.”
# # #

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ritter doesn't, but does, support Cap-And-Trade


Kudos to Heritage Foundation for this clip of Gov. Bill Ritter waffling on Waxman-Markey but backing the basic concept of cap-and-tax, despite documented costs to Colorado’s economy.

Monday, July 20, 2009

JJ Ament Enters Race

"I’ve worked with the State of Colorado and the Treasurer’s office on a number of financial matters. Over the years I’ve found countless areas of government waste and mismanagement of taxpayer funds. Too often the right solution has been dismissed by the inertia of bureaucracy and the Treasurer has failed to act. So I’ve decided the way I can contribute most to restoring fiscal discipline in State government is to take a break from the private sector and run for State Treasurer."

Ament attacks Kennedy for not doing her role as treasuer. Ament joins the pool which includes Walker Stapleton and possibly Muh. Ali Hasan.

His website is here

Obama-Romney Tied

If the 2012 presidential election were held today, President Obama and possible Republican nominee Mitt Romney would be all tied up at 45% each, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

The president, seeking a second four-year term, beats another potential GOP rival, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, by six points – 48% to 42%.
In both match-ups, seven percent (7%) like some other candidate, with three percent (3%) undecided.

Palin is second only to Romney as the presidential candidate Republican voters say right now that they’ll vote for in 2012 state GOP primaries. But she’s also one of two candidates they least hope wins the party’s nomination.

Full story here

Diggs Brown Wins Straw Poll

Diggs Brown won the Colorado Political News straw poll last night by a single vote edging out Rep. Cory Gardner. Diggs is currently serving overseas so he isn't an announced candidate, but a draft committee is running in his place at the moment.

Gardner, has been seen as the "front-runner"in the GOP primary by many pundits. He has raised the most, and probably has the best name recognition in the district. Tom Lucero took a third place finish with 18% of the vote. Steve Johnson came in last place.

Diggs is expected to announce his intentions to run for the Congressional seat or not when he comes back home. Until then, his supports are making their rounds across eastern Colorado gaining support for their hopeful.

The Results follow....

1) Diggs Brown with 42 votes (39%)
2) Cory Gardner with 41 votes (38%)
3) Tom Lucero with 20 votes (18%)
4) Steve Johnson with 3 votes (2%)

Total votes: 106

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Draft Diggs Raises $50,000

From the Draft Diggs Campaign...

On July 15 the Draft Diggs for Congress campaign is going to release its
list of contributors through the second quarter of fundraising. The campaign
will report raising $52,885 from local grassroots voters and community leaders
including more than 50 current and former presidents, CEO’s, principals and
partners of businesses in the 4th Congressional District. Additionally this
grassroots effort does not include any state or federal pac or lobbyist

More than 98 percent of the Draft Diggs funds have come from people who
create jobs, live, work and vote in the 4th Congressional District. They
are asking Diggs Brown to run for Congress because of his unique background as a
soldier, economic advisor, and community leader. Diggs Brown is currently on
active duty serving in the Army National Guard Special Forces and cannot be an
official candidate and cannot ask for support at this time.

For not being a candidate, he's sure raising a lot of money for a year before the election.

Penry To Announce Saturday

From Josh Penry's office:

Dear Friends and Fellow Coloradans,As many of you know, Jamie and I have
spent the better part of the last several weeks weighing a decision to run for
Governor of the State of Colorado. To even have the opportunity to seriously
consider a bid for this important job during this critical hour has been a high
honor. I mean that with the greatest sincerity - we have been humbled by the
entire experience.

As we've thought through all the dimensions of the decision privately, we have received an incredible amount of encouragement from so many of you - and so many others across this State. That's because you know it and we do to: the State of Colorado deserves better. We can do better.

And with a little leadership and a whole lot of hard work from us
all, we can get this State of ours moving again.
And that's the reason I am writing. On Saturday, July 11, at 9:00a.m., Jamie, the kids and I will be making our decision public out in front of the Courthouse in our hometown of Grand Junction. We've made up our minds and we want to share the news with you. It's an important day for us, and we hope you will be part of it.

Most Sincerely,

Josh Penry

Cory Gardner Raises $200,000

From Cory's E-mail...

In the race for Colorado's 4th Congressional District, Cory
has taken a commanding fundraising lead over his primary
opponents by raising over $200,000 during his first seven
weeks in the race.

"I am humbled by the outpouring of
support that I have received thus far," Gardner said. He added, "In a targeted
race that is going to require a strong campaign, this is a good start for

Gardner will file his first report with the Federal Election
Commission on July 15th. The report will show a broad base of support with
donors from each of the 4th Congressional District's eighteen
counties. Gardner has also received donations from Democrats, Unaffiliated
and Republican voters who have responded to his vision for a better Colorado.

Last quarter, Betsey Markey raised around $345,000

Friday, July 3, 2009

Palin Gives In...Resigns

Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska today made an announcement that she will resign in a month and will not run for Governor of Alaska in 2010. It seems like she is actually done with politics...but the only know who knows what's happening in the future is Sarah Palin herself.

Go wild making predictions

New Candidate For Senate Emerges

Luke Korkowski, businessman in Gunnison Valley announced his exploratory committee to run for US Senate July 1st.

Luke received education from Baylor University, MBA from Texas Christian University and a JD from The George Washington University Law School. He is married and has two children. As a transactional attorney and businessman, he has helped several Gunnison Valley entrepreneurs start their own small businesses. Over the last several years, Luke has become increasingly concerned that our Senators and political leaders in general simply do not understand the causes and cures of economic booms and busts. Luke hopes to engage with fellow Coloradans to explore long-lasting solutions to our economic and political challenges.

For more information go to his site

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Limited Posting For Next Three Weeks

I'll be in Massachusetts and other places for the next three weeks and probably won't get many posts up. However I promise if Ken Buck calls me and says he's dropping out to endorse Cleve Tidwell or something like that...I'll make sure to post it.