Sunday, July 25, 2010

Ryan Frazier For Congress

Ryan Frazier is the clear conservative choice in CD-7. Ryan balances strong qualities and experience of powerful public speaking, a fiscally common sense conservative record, naval background and having been elected on the city council at-large in Aurora to make him the most electable conservative to face Ed Perlmutter. There is no one more passionate in the republican field for Congress than Ryan Frazier. Ryan has traveled the state and the district talking to people who know and feel the problems of a burdening government, of high taxes and of limited freedoms and liberties. Ryan knows Colorado, he knows what must be done in Congress.

Ryan not only focuses on the short term problems, like our current economic situation, but also the extended long term problems that are driving our nation into unbelievable debt that can and will cripple our nation if we do not act now like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Ryan knows we have to work with every aspect of the problem to create a sensible solution. As life expectancy rises, it is ridiculous to push forward a plan to lower the retirement age, its common sense ideas like this that makes Ryan Frazier the right guy to send to Washington. Ryan knows it won’t be easy, but he knows it must be done. We must cut our budget, we must cut government programs, we must pay off our debt and close the deficit completely and we must pass a balanced budget because he knows and believes that we owe it to our children for a better America.

Ryan is a very unique candidate. It is not often you get a candidate with such a rich, diverse background who is a conservative and also has the funds and election knowledge and history to take on a liberal democrat with a large war chest. 2010 will be the Republican’s best shot to win CD-7 for the next decade and Ryan Frazier the best candidate that could possibility go up against Ed Perlmutter and the best man to do the job in Congress.

We need accountability, we need integrity, we need experience and we need common sense conservative values. That is what Ryan Frazier brings to the table. I encourage all CD-7 Republicans to cast their ballots for Ryan Frazier.

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