Saturday, May 15, 2010

Gschwendtner Has Empty Plan

Republican gubernatorial candidate, Joe Gschwendtner, recently released his "Vision for Colorado 2014". Do not be deceived at the length of this plan, there is a lot of empty promises that without a doubt, cannot be accomplished the way he talks. There’s many goals that seem appealing to the voter, 4% unemployment rate, cutting failing Colorado schools in half, unleashing our energy economy, cutting the $18.2 billion budget by $1 billion. However, with a vague plan and lack of detail, it does not seem possible any of that would happen in a Gschwendtner administration. My personal favorite quote in the plan is “something must be done”. I’ve heard that one before.

The plan is clear that Joe knows the current statistics, facts, rates, etc. The plan is mostly just that, what is happening now and not what Joe will do. When Joe does actually say what he plans to accomplish, he rarely includes how, mostly leaving behinds comments of “bi-partisan” solutions, or reaching agreements, or negotiating, but not what Joe is actually going to push specifically to fix Colorado’s economy, education or anything else.

For instance, the only detail Joe includes in improving public education is “We will do whatever it takes so that our children get the best education.” Isn’t that what the last guy said? How about the guy before and the guy before that? This is the same typical talk of politicians that care more about getting into office, then actually have a vision and agenda of what they want to accomplish, to change, to improve while in that office.

While negotiating is a great technique, while some ideas won’t be brought up until in office and while leadership means being able to adapt at times, why should Colorado vote for a guy that does not have specific solutions in mind to improving Colorado? I don’t know a candidate in any race in Colorado that has said “I want our schools to fail.” So by saying you’ll do what it takes to succeed is exactly what everyone else has said in the race so far.
If Joe wants to set himself apart from the herd and get on the ballot or even win this thing, he needs to make the choice clear between vision and unorganized, “typical” political types. Joe Gschwendtner failed to do that in his 2014 Vision.

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