Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ken Buck For U.S. Senate

Ken has proven to be the grassroots, conservative choice for Colorado. If you want strong conservative leadership who is not afraid of a fight, Ken Buck is your man. Buck stood up to Jane Norton as well as Washington and lobbyist interests when she got in the race to give republicans a choice between independent thinking and fiscal responsibility against a record of increased spending, support for increase of taxes in Ref C and a shady past.

Jane Norton has attacked Ken Buck for increasing the DA budget in Weld County by 40% (before they claimed 50%), Jane needs to look at the facts. Spending from 2005 to 2009 increased by only 30% when the office expanded its district and county courtrooms while the population increased by 41% and crime decreased by 50%. Buck’s predecessor’s budget increased by 32% over an equal four year period and without equally praised results or drastic changes in Weld County. There’s a difference between cutting bad government and cutting good government. Ken Buck knows this difference and will use it effectively in Congress by cutting wasteful spending, overregulation, wasteful programs and push for efficient, effective and much needed reforms in all aspects of government.

Ken Buck is not afraid to stand up to big government and special interest groups to protect the people. He proved that when he protected Weld County social security numbers and cracked down on illegal immigration while many officials pretend the problem does not exist. There is a reason tea party groups around Colorado are endorsing and helping elect Buck in an overwhelming majority, because he is a true, fighting conservative. It is one thing to be a conservative and another to be an active voice, to have both is what we need in Washington and that is the option Ken Buck gives us.

I have watched Ken grow over the past year from events, forums and assemblies and he has proven to be the most electable candidate. Ken Buck is not only the most conservative choice for Colorado, but he is also the best bet for a senate pick-up against either Andrew Romanoff or Michael Bennet and the polls back that up.

Now more than ever, we need leaders we can trust, that we can count on, who have integrity and will do the right thing for Colorado. It is disappointing to see Americans have to choose between corrupt politicians to represent them in Washington or political puppets who have been chosen in closed door meetings by big lobbyists and big names. Ken Buck is neither and in fact the exact opposite of that. Colorado can count on Ken Buck 100% to vote with a conscience and for the state of Colorado. That is why I support Ken Buck and encourage everyone else to do the same. We need sensible leadership now.

1 comment:

  1. Ken is up significantly in the latest Magellan poll. The more negative Jane Norton goes, the better Ken looks.

    On July 16, on Colorado Public Radio, Jane Norton came out for amnesty. It reminded me of McCain-Kennedy of 2005.

    Norton's pro-amnesty stance is about 3/4 through the audio.


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