Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Korkowski Barely In, Now Out


Crested Butte, CO - Luke Korkowski has withdrawn from
the U.S. Senate race,writing the following note to his
Thank you to the freedom-loving people who have been so
encouraging to mycampaign for U.S. Senate. This experience has been wonderful,
hard,frustrating, exhilarating, challenging, and fun -- sometimes all at
Unfortunately, it is time to call this campaign to a close and to wish
allthe best to the other Republicans in the race. We have some good and
decentfolks competing for the Senate position, and Colorado is lucky to have
sucha selection of choices. With your help, we'll see a solid conservative
takeoffice in January 2011, and I strongly encourage you to stay engaged in
therace and to support your favorite candidate.
As for me, while this is the
end of the Senate road, there are otherpossibilities out there I may pursue.
Each of us has the responsibility toact within our sphere of competence to
ensure that our country regains thefreedom we have lost. I will continue to do
my part, whatever that may be. Iencourage you to do yours as well.
Let us not
forget to adhere to some basic ideals and to insist that ourelected leaders do
so as well:
-Our federal officials must adhere to and be bound by the text of
theConstitution. When they don't we have a tyrannical government of men, notthe
rule of law.
-National governments exist to protect our rights to life,
liberty, andproperty. They have no other legitimate function.
-No sniveling.
Being free means taking responsibility. If you don't like howthings are, get up
and do something about it.
Thank you again for your support. Best of luck to
the remaining Senatecandidates. And stay tuned for the next chapter in our
struggle to be free!
Respectfully,Luke Korkowski
# # #

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