Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Stop Obama Care Today

E-mail or contact your Representative today and urge them to NOT support HR 3200 (Obama Care) that will give government control over your health choices.

This weekend I e-mailed Congressman Perlmutter...

Congressman Perlmutter,

I know that you are a strong supporter of
trying to get every American a health care plan. However, this bill coming
through Congress is going destroy the economy. Much of the bill will be wasted,
just like the trillion dollar stimulus. Small businesses that are just starting
cannot afford to pay for health care at this time especially in this economy.
This system too, will be totally bureaucracy that will not be in favor of
taxpayers and the American citizens whom are your employers. President Obama
also suggested that the middle class will now help pay for this system. The
middle class runs the economy, if they can’t spend, the economy will crash
again. That means the entire trillion dollar stimulus will be wasted. All this
bill will do is drive up inflation, make it hard for small business to work, and
hurt the economy. We must take other measures to get all Americans quality
health care.

We can start by working on welfare. We can help those
that are able to working, to get back in the game again. We can help them find a
job, and support them in their new life instead of wasting money paying for them
to sit around all day. We can allow small business to pool together to pay for
their employee’s health care together. We can work on stopping these ridiculous
medical lawsuits that cost doctors and hospitals millions. We can open up walk
in clinics that will be much less expensive than an emergency room, so those
that are having a hard time right now will still be able to get affordable
medical treatment.

There is so much we can do to improving health
care, getting people out of poverty and making health care more affordable, all
without this Health Care Bill that will be going through Congress. I urge you to
vote NO on HR 3200 and instead open up to all the other multiple
options that will help improve health care in America dramatically. Your goal to
have all Americans on health care can still be done, but not through this
universal health care mess.

It is still possible to stop this. Remember that these government officials are YOUR employees.

Also see Ben DeGrow's

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