Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Tuesday Eye Catchers
Congratulations Colorado...You can now catch rain legally
We're Not Fighting A War On Terror: Obama drops that name
Sanford Won't Resign: Huck's chances to win the primary rises now that Bauer is still on
Ron Paul Gets 245 co-sponsers: Time to audit the Feds
Coleman Concedes: Filibuster Proof Senate
Obama Approval Rating By State: Who likes him more?
Obama Defends Gays: Today is national gay politics day
Monday, June 29, 2009
Eye Catchers
Update On Honduras: Obama and Chavez on same side
Demint Rolls Out Book: Rule #1 when running for president is to "write a book"
Graham Starting To Lead GOP: Offering GOP solutions instead of attacking Obama
Pawlenty 2012 More Likely: Taking shots at Sanford and traveling across the county
Mike Pence 2012: Going to Iowa
Barbour vs Obama: Barbour in '12 too?
Huckabee Wins From Sanford Affair: Bauer endorsed him in 2008 and is running for Governor in 2010
Sarah Palin Wins Straw Poll: Kansas to Huck "there's a new girl in town"
Romney Takes a Hit: MA doesn't like his health care plan
Instead of a bunch of small individual posts...We've decided to change them to "Eye Catchers" to save us all the trouble and space. Lots of political and election news all at once. What more could you be asking for?
Colorado Candidates Beg For Money
Cory Gardner: There are less than 48 hours left in this fundraising quarter and I need your help. This is our first quarter of fundraising and it is one of the most important. We need a strong showing to send a message to national Democrats targeting this race.
Ryan Frazier: Any amount $5, $10, $100, $250 or even $1,000 will help spread Ryan’s message for a new way forward. The deadline for the quarter is quickly approaching on June 30th.
Bill Ritter: That's why I've decided to launch a $25,000 end-of-quarter grassroots fundraising drive, so that I am fully prepared to defeat those intent on erasing our gains and derailing our progress. I'm counting on your help to reach this goal before our critical filing deadline on June 30.
This guys obviously need your help and you're check book. So go help elect the guy you want to serve you. Remember their job IS to serve YOU.
Court Rules In Favor Of White Firefighters
Democrat Announced For HD-28
Jim Kerr (GOP)
58.6% (21,473)
Tom Dittemore (Dem)
41.3% (15,111)
We are often drawn to our differences, but politics can and
should be the art of finding our common ground. There are certain things almost
all people want: We all want to live well and we all want to live free. People
of good will want to be fair to others, and most people want to be safe. We want
these things for ourselves, for our loved ones, and, if we are reasonably
generous, for our neighbors and friends as well. In our noblest moments, some of
us want them even for our enemies. We dream, we strive, we aspire, we work, we
play, we love, we hope. We share more that binds us than that divides us.
If there are any candidates that have announced and we haven't caught it yet please e-mail us at coloradopoliticalnews@gmail.com to get it posted.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Global Warming Bill Passes Narrowly
The bill passed 219-212. 44 Democrats voted No and 8 Republicans voted Aye.
How did your congressperson vote?
Yea: DeGette, Polis, Markey, Perlmutter
No: Coffman, Lamborn, Salazar
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Ryan Frazier Video
Nice quote Ryan
"For we choose capitalism over socialism, freedom over slavery, life over death and state's rights over central planning" -Ryan Frazier
Penry Ready To Win 2010
An all-but-certain Republican candidate for governor promised a
campaign of sharp attacks against Democrats in 2010.
State Sen. Josh Penry
urged Republicans to take the fight to Democrats with "guts and conviction" in a
Wednesday speech to the Lincoln Club of Colorado, a Republican
"Is anyone else here tired of the flimflam, mealy-mouthed
Republican?" Penry said. "We need a contrast, not an echo chamber. If we go into
2010 and say, 'They're pretty good, but we can do a little better,' we will
never win."
Penry has not formally declared as a candidate, but if he runs,
he would have to beat his former boss, retired U.S. Rep. Scott McInnis, in the
Republican primary. Evergreen businessman Don Maes also has entered the GOP
primary. The winner likely will face incumbent Gov. Bill Ritter.
First a correction....it's DAN not DON. Other then that, Penry looks more each day like he plans to run for Governor. Most likely there will be a bloody primary between Penry and McInnis while Maes tries to garner enough support to get on the ballot.
The democrats are hopeful that by the end of this primary the GOP will be divided and have a weakened candidate. While that may also be true, primaries raise ID throughout the whole state. We'll see if Bill can keep his job next year though.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
McInnis Finally Gets Website?
He's finally starting to do what all the other candidates have done.
Gov. Sanford Has Affair...Resigns
South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, had resigned his post as Chairman of the RGA. Sanford just admitted to having an affair with a women from Argentina. Governor Haley Barbour will most likely take over the RGA earlier then expected now. He left the press conference as someone asked if he would resign his post as Governor of South Carolina.
Senator Ensign, Jon Gosselin and now Governor Sanford. Perhaps they could start a new political party..."The Affairs Party".
Will this hurt his chance in 2012? YES. Same with Ensign. However, it's better to get this out in 2009 and have a few years to be forgiven then to get this out in the heat of the primary, or worse, the general election.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Palin May Not Run For Re-Election
It's not easy getting from Alaska to Iowa and New Hampshire for campaigning and Palin could easily be accused of putting her political ambitions above the state if she was Governor and missing long periods of time to campaign for President.
Governor Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota is not seeking re-election, which fuels speculations for a 2012 Presidential candidacy for him as well.
Dan Maes Wins Straw Poll
Both Dan Maes and Scott McInnis have filed paperwork to run for Governor. Penry is expected to make an announcement later. Senator Wiens has said he has been setting his life up to run for Governor so we included him. Former Congressman Tancredo had talked with Bob Beauprez back last year about running for Governor. Although it didn't seem like he would run, with Obama deciding to take on immigration a Tancredo run is more likely.
Maes was a political unknown a few months ago to pretty much everyone. Now he has made is way around gaining support and doing well in straw polls, especially for someone the state had never heard of before. Scott McInnis would do very well in the general election, however he still hasn't done anything yet. He silently filed paperwork for Governor. Although he has been to events and is starting to organize a team, he still doesn't have a website up with would allow easy donations to come through and allow volunteers to sign up.
The results follow...
1) Dan Maes with 288 votes (40%)
2) Josh Penry with 248 votes (34%)
3) Scott McInnis with 134 votes (18%)
4) Tom Tancredo with 32 votes (4%)
5) Tom Wiens with 7 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 709
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
CD-6 Democrats
John Flerage* (3-1) Has military background which would for sure help him in the general. Has credibility and charisma. Has raised more funds then Canter in less time which shows his popularity is higher. However, he doesn't have the funds or support to stand a real chance again Mike Coffman. This campaign season is still early though and anything can happen.
David Canter* (7-1) Has been making some rounds, but still isn't liked as much as Flerage. He would stand a much worse chance against Coffman then Flerage which would push some-on-the fence democrats away from him. He's still trying though and possibly could win the primary.
Is there even a chance of one of these candidates to have the ability to defeat Coffman? Yes, but a small chance. It's Coffman's first re-election and he hasn't had a great session, but the district is still conservative. If no one primaries Coffman he'll most likely be safe for re-election unless the unexpected happens.
GOP Eyes Mountain West
GOP congressional candidates in the notoriously libertarian Mountain West
believe they have an issue that could reap electoral gains in 2010 — government
Republicans have traditionally portrayed Democrats as big spenders, but
with the $700 billion rescue package, a $787 billion stimulus package, rising
healthcare costs and a growing tax bill, the GOP thinks, for the first time,
that it will be able to make the connection in voters’ minds between spending
and taxes that come later....
But polling numbers tell a different story.According to internal GOP
numbers, Democrats enjoyed an 11-point advantage on the generic congressional
ballot before the 2008 election.
Now, early polls in the 2010 cycle show Republicans leading the generic
ballot by six points, even as President Obama retains high approval ratings in
the region.
“Western voters are quite independent, and they are looking for greater
balance in government. There’s a rather serious concern over policy direction in
the Obama administration,” said Nicole McCleskey, a Western polling expert with
the GOP firm Public Opinion Strategies.
“There’s an approach to government that is not a hallmark of Western
states’ ideologies, that government should not play a terribly active role in
our lives,” McCleskey added. “I think Western voters bristle at the notion that
government knows best.”
After losing a significant percentage of the Mountain West in recent cycles
— including six seats in 2008 alone — the National Republican Congressional
Committee (NRCC) has found early success recruiting top-notch candidates in key
districts. And those candidates are all sounding similar tones.
Full story here
Note: Cory Gardner was quoted multiple times
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
2012 Not So Hot For Ensign
LAS VEGAS — Sen. John Ensign of Nevada, a leading Republican mentioned as a potential presidential candidate, admitted Tuesday he had an extramarital affair with a woman who was a member of his campaign staff. "Last year I had an affair. I violated the vows of my marriage," Ensign said at a brief news conference in his home state. "It is the worst thing I have ever done in my life. If there was ever anything in my life that I could take back, this would be it."
Ensign is also responsible for the crushing defeat of the Republicans in 2008. His leadership turned the Senate tables to possibly a filibuster proof, democratic controlled Senate.
Ensign is traveling to Iowa this summer. He can forget about 2012 starting as a front-runner, or even possibly having a chance at all. Better to clear this now then during election season though.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Jindal For President Supporters Start Early
Jindal's spokesman, Kyle Plotkin, commented: "The governor has said that he has the job he wants, and he hopes to be re-elected (2011) to continue to move Louisiana forward. It's flattering, but the governor does not support this effort. This is a distraction from the critical issues that we face, and the governor will not be involved in an capacity."
Well after seeing Jindal's response to President Obama's "semi-kinda-state of the union" we wouldn't expect to see Jindal so energetic about a run for President just yet. Maybe in 2016.
The PAC leaders are currently looking for out of state donors that would possibly be Charmain's of their state.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Larimer County Straw Poll Results
4th Congressional District, Cory Gardner won with 44 percent of the vote, Diggs Brown 34 percent and Tom Lucero 21 percent.
Cory Gardner, the front-runner to an unsurprising first. Diggs Brown (who was a former city council member of Ft. Collins), took second beating well known Tom Lucero.
U.S. Senate, Ken Buck had 49 percent, Ryan Frazier 47 percent and Cleve Tidwell 4 percent.
Ken Buck edged out popular Ryan Frazier by only 2 points. Cleve Tidwell showed an unimpressive support he had at the poll.
Governor, Scott McInnis took 39 percent, Josh Penry 36 percent, Dan Maes 24 percent.
Scott McInnis beat Josh Penry in this straw poll. The two are known to be competitive (by supporters) in straw polls. Dan Maes finished third with a solid quarter of the vote.
Friday, June 12, 2009
UN Imposes Tough New Sanctions on North Korea
In a sign of growing global anger at Pyongyang's pursuit of nuclear weapons in defiance of the council, the North's closest allies Russia and China joined Western powers and nations from every region in unanimously approving the sanctions resolution.
U.S. Deputy Ambassador Rosemary DiCarlo said the resolution provides "a strong and united international response" to North Korea's test in defiance of a ban imposed after its first underground atomic blast in October 2006.
"The message of this resolution is clear: North Korea's behavior is unacceptable to the international community and the international community is determined to respond," DiCarlo said. "North Korea should return without conditions to a process of peaceful dialogue."
-The Associated Press
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Former Radio Host Considering Run For Congress
"Run, Jimmy, Run!" is the name of the Facebook group created to coax Lakey into a run for Colorado's 7th Congressional District. Lakey is a former radio host for Denver stations KNUS and KNRC, and is now active as a concert promoter and nonprofit fundraiser. Like his fellow Republican newcomers, Lakey has no elective political experience.
"I have a small business in Colorado which operates mainly in the world of music & entertainment," Lakey wrote in an e-mail to Face the State. "On the humanitarian front, I founded a non-profit organization almost 15 years ago that is currently heavily engaged in making sure that orphans in Africa have the opportunity and hope for a better future. This focus on orphans is called 'River's Promise,' and is inspired by a promise that we made to our son (River), whom we adopted from Rwanda."
While Lakey says he didn't play a role in the Facebook movement to "draft" him, the group has caught his attention and he is carefully considering the input offered by group members.
"I am bothered when I think of what type of nation my son will inherit if something doesn't change in the way we conduct the business of government," wrote Lakey. "So, as many people in Colorado have encouraged me to run for office...I am listening to all the advice that I can get right now."
Full story here
Do we see Lakey winning? Not likely, however with enough funds, a good year for the GOP and a energetic volunteer team anything is possible. He has a better chance then Brian Campbell though. Lakey already has some ID in parts of the 7th.
Lots Of Morning News
And From Rocky Mountain Right....
HICKENLOOPER WAS COURTED FOR PRIMARY CHALLENGE TO RITTER: Lynn Bartels reports that Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper was approached by Democratic power brokers interested in picking off Bill Ritter in a primary. Hickelooper says he won't run against Ritter.
Ritter may not be out of the woods just yet, Andrew Romanoff still has not departed the political scene and could be looking at Ritter as a more appealing target in light of Michael Bennet's first quarter fundraising.
BENNET BACKS SOTOMAYOR AFTER 25 MINUTES, BUT STILL CAN'T DECIDE ON EFCA: The Colorado Republican Party takes a good swipe at Michael Bennet.
JOSH PENRY REBUTS COLORADOPOLS REPORT HE WILL ANNOUNCE FOR GOVERNOR ON JULY 4TH: Josh Penry is refuting a report that surfaced on ColoradoPols that he will announcing his campaign on July 4th. They're probably right.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Ritter Caught Sock-Puppeting
I wake up this morning to find 4 comments on my post "More
Bumbling From Ritter" waiting for my approval. 4 comments is a lot for any
post of mine on my personal blog so that seemed a bit suspicious. Each comment
was from an "Anonymous" account and each comment was in support of Ritter's
Full story here
Saturday, June 6, 2009
D-Day And All It Did
For once, the world set aside their differences and problems to unit for the greater good of mankind. An axis of evil had grown so powerful it had taken control of an entire continent and continued to spread while another had taken over the Pacific. Had these braves soldiers, even if they did not think it at the time, not risked their lives for the country, their beliefs and their people, the greatest evil known yet to man would have had the power and strength to consume all mankind. Freedom would have been destroyed in the fires of dictatorship and malice. There would have been no dawn for liberty, freedom, or belief.
Today, 65 years ago marked the beginning of the end of a terrible tyranny. Before the war, America did not have the honor of holding its head up high as the greatest nation of the world. A nation that leads by example, and tries the hardest to show compassion and hope when there is none. A nation of liberty and freedom. A nation where if you work hard and try hard you will succeed. A nation where those who are different, are not prosecuted. A nation of free thinking where you can practice any religion and worship any god. . A nation that the world knows as the greatest of all nations. After the war, America became that nation.
Remember the lives of those who fought for our nation, and lost their lives to save it and everything they had and we do believe in.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Van Who? For What?
Van Wyk Announces Campaign for 2010 U.S. Senate
27, 2009
CASTLE ROCK, COLO. - Mark Van Wyk, Douglas County small business
owner and Colorado resident for over 19 years, formally announced his Republican
candidacy for Colorado U.S. Senate seat. Van Wyk has filed paperwork with the
Federal Election Commission, making his candidacy for the U.S. Senate
"I believe America is still a shining light in a world that beckons
all who seek freedom, truth, justice and liberty. We need to get back to these
original ideas of our Consitution" says Van Wyk.
Do we see him winning? Well...no. Not unless he has the dream team of political minds helping him. He's a CEO which can be a plus or minus in this economy, but that does mean real-life business experience. Cleve Tidwell has a much better chance then this guy though because his business experience which created lots of jobs also got him in relations with the international community and other countries. Sorry Van, maybe try for State Senate first...and make sure you spell constitution right next time.
Ensign "Testing the Waters" for 2012
From the RMR...
Sen. John Ensign of Nevada, the strategic genius who ran the NRSC during
2008 elections and exacerbated GOP losses by meddling in primaries,
diverting funds from viable candidates to hopeless races, and telling the
on numerous occassions exactly which races he thought were hopeless;
is now touring Iowa in what appears to be a testing-the-waters trip in
anticipation of the 2012 presidential elections. (See a previous posting on this
site about how fortunate we are he no longer heads the NRSC.)
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Rivera for Commissioner?
El Paso is a Republican stronghold that voted 59% for McCain and 39% for Obama in 2008. The democrats have little chance of winning this seat, so whoever wins the Republican primary is very likely to win the general election.
June Denver County Straw Poll Results
1. Josh Penry – 53.33% (up from 24.14% in May)
2. Scott McInnis 26.67% (up from 10.35% in May)
3. Dan Maes – 13.33% (down from 37.93% in May)
4. Undecided – 6.67% (down from 10.35% in May)
Bob Beauprez – 0% (down from 6.90in May)
Hank Brown – 0% (down from 6.90% in May)
Dan Caplis – 0% (down from 3.45% in April)
For U.S. Senator:
1. Ryan Frazier – 80.0% (up from 55.17% in May)
2. Undecided – 13.33% (down from 13.79% in May)
3. Bill Owens – 6.67% (up from 0% in May)
Cleve Tidwell – 0% (down from 13.79% in May)
Ken Buck – 0% (down from 6.90% in May)
Bob Beauprez – 0% (down from 3.45% in May)
Scott McInnis – 0% (down from 3.45% in May)
Bob Gardner – 0% (down from 3.45% in May)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Tidwell Tangled In Web Post Controversy
Full story here
Pawlenty Will Not Run for Governor
A source who spoke with the Governor said that he had "made up his mind a while back."
Pawlenty has been Governor for two terms and is pondering a run for President in 2012. He had the potential to be vulnerable in 2010, and if he lost re-elected that would hurt his possibly Presidential big in 2012. Perhaps we could see him campaigning in Colorado in 2012.
Obama Signs Bill to Honor President Reagan
With the stroke of a pen Tuesday, Obama created the Ronald Reagan Centennial Commission. The 11-person panel will plan and carry out activities to mark the 100th anniversary, in 2011, of the late president's birth. That may include issuing a postage stamp, a commemorative $1 coin or convening a joint session of Congress.
Reagan was born on June 6, 1911. He died in 2004.
His widow, former first lady Nancy Reagan, looked on as Obama signed the bill into law at the White House.
-Associated Press
Dan Maes Interview

Because I am the right person, with the right skills, at the right time for the party and Colorado.
What sets you apart from the other candidates and possible candidates?
My life story of overcoming poverty to create multiple professional successes, my work ethic, and mostly my proven track record of administrative and executive experiences. The governor’s position is an executive, leadership position.
Why did you choose to get on the ballot via assembly?
My personality and work style is more in line with the assembly process. I love meeting people and winning them over to a worthy cause.
When did you start thinking of running for Governor?
I have wanted to run for office sine I was a teenager. I set my sites on a run almost 5 years ago when I started my business with the intent of running upon sale of the company. Governor, specifically, about 6 months ago
Why Governor and not Senator?
Again, my resume is more in line with the responsibilities of Governor.
What are your qualifications to lead the state?
I have over 20 years of management, and executive experience with leadership experience going back over 30 years into my teens. Detailed information on my experience can be found at my Face Book page.
How strong do you think your party is?
I think it is strong and growing stronger by the minute thanks to grass roots organizations that are conservative and ready to line up with Republicans who share their beliefs and are ready to stand by them.
Do you trust the party’s leadership?
How do you plan to get your message across the entire state?
Campaigning is very similar to running a regional sales organization which I have done for over 15 years. We will use a combination of strategies including, but not limited to, attending 100’s of events, intense use of social networking, and direct mail.
Why do you feel you’re needed as our Governor and Ritter needs out?
Gov. Ritter is taking Colorado down the same path as Obama is taking the country. This has become Obama west and it must stop. We must re-energize our economy not suppress it.
How do you plan to get Colorado’s economy going again?
Creating a regulatory environment that is energy and business friendly while assuring great education in the state.
If there is one issue you can tackle as Governor what would it be?
Creating revenue via proactive business initiatives.
Anything else you’d like to add?
I feel strongly that Colorado conservatives are not only ready for a fresh face, but one that stands firmly on traditional Republican values and has the right skills at the right time of his professional path. My story is one that people from across the political spectrum can relate with and connect to.
North Korea Names New Heir
Full story here
Cleve Tidwell Wins Straw Poll


Both candidates did and outstanding job of rousing support from twitter, facebook and e-mails. Over 1,100 people have voted which shows great enthusiasm from supporters. If the GOP can take this energy to the general once a candidate is selected and unit together, Bennet will have a run for his money.
Ken Buck came in third place with 6% of the vote. Ironically, he was had 6% most of the time no matter how many votes were cast. Bob Beauprez came in last place with only 1%. This can be and indication Colorado Republicans are not too happy about trying to elect Beauprez again.
The results...
1) Cleve Tidwell with 552 Votes (47%)
2) Ryan Frazier with 528 Votes (45%)
3) Ken Buck with 71 Votes (6%)
4) Bob Beauprez with 12 Votes (1%)
Total votes: 1163
More people voted on this poll then for any single candidate at the CPAC straw poll for President. Most of the votes came in yesterday for the Frazier side and a majority came in yesterday for the Tidwell side also. It was interesting to watch such a close race.
We will have the gubernatorial poll posted today. Tell all your friends and supporters of your candidate to come and vote for your guy.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Obama: Nationalization of GM to be short-term
Full story here
Senate Primary Straw Poll
Wow, we've had a great turnout so far and a heated straw poll. With 10 hours left to go,Cleve Tidwell has managed to take back the lead from Ryan Frazier, who had a huge boost in the last 24 hours. Both candidates have the poll posted at their facebook pages and the Tidwell campaign sent out an e-mail to supporters asking for their votes. Frazier beats Tidwell 4-1 in Facebook supporters, but the poll is still very close. Ken Buck, is still in single digits, but is doing better then Bob Beauprez who is polling at about 1%.
The results at 14 hours were....
1) Ryan Frazier 147 Votes (48%)
2) Cleve Tidwell 131 Votes (43%)
3) Ken Buck 21 Votes (6%)
4) Bob Beauprez 3 Votes (0%)
The results at 10 hours left were....
1) Cleve Tidwell 210 Votes (49%)
2) Ryan Frazier 187 Votes (43%)
3) Ken Buck 23 Votes (5%)
4)Bob Beauprez 6 Votes (1%)
The results at 7 hours left were...
1) Ryan Frazier 326 Votes (48%)
2) Cleve Tidwell 293 Votes (43%)
3) Ken Buck 45 Votes (6%)
4) Bob Beauprez 6 Votes (0%)
The results at 3 hours left are...
1) Ryan Frazier 449 Votes (49%)
2) Cleve Tidwell 389 Votes (42%)
3) Ken Buck 65 Votes (7%)
4) Bob Beauprez 11 Votes (1%)
Votes so far: 914
If Ryan Frazier wins this, it is another victory to add to the many straw polls he has come in first in. Cleve Tidwell is doing well here and it seems the campaign is trying hard to manage a victory here.
Cleve Tidwell has already completed and interview on Colorado Political News and Ryan Frazier's will be posted soon. Ken Buck has not responded to one.
Do you think Frazier will pull an upset over Tidwell who's been in the lead most of the month, or will Tidwell win this one?